TAQWA The Path to Success
by Shaikh Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymin
Allah said: "Whoever fears Alläh, He will make a way out for him from every difficulty and provide for him from where he never anticipated." [Surah at-Talaq 65:2-3]
Therefore, he has Allah's Taqwä by doing what Allah commanded and leaving off what he forbade. Allah will make a way out for him from every difficulty and every constraint. Hence, anytime something becomes constrained for him while he is
having the Taqwa of Allah (JLS)412q), He
will make a way out for him, whether that be in his living, wealth, children, society, etc.
Whenever you have the Taqwā of Alläh, rest assured that Allāh will soon provide a way out for you from every constraint. Trust that!
Because it is the statement of the One Who says about something: "Be," and it is, and He said that whoever has His Taqwä, He will make a way out for him from every difficulty.
- Al-'Allamah Muhammad bin
Salih Al-Uthaymin