Every soul is prone to error, yet the Qur'an offers solace and guidance, teaching us to seek Allah's care and direction on the straight path. In his masterful work
"Tawbah: Turning to Allah in Repentance," Ibn al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah delves into the spiritual essence of repentance without neglecting its physical manifestations and conditions.
This profound treatise is extracted from his seminal work "Madārij al-Salikin Bayna Manazil Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyāka Nasta'in" [The Stages of the Travelers Between the Stations of "You Alone We Worship and You Alone We Seck Help From"], widely regarded as one of Ibn al-Qayyim's finest contributions to Islamic literature.
Grounded in Quranic verses and prophetic traditions, the author expertly navigates both the outward and inward dimensions of repentance. He illuminates its true nature and the conditions necessary for its acceptance, offering readers a comprehensive guide to spiritual purification and closeness to Allah.
This work stands as a beacon for those secking to understand and implement genuine repentance in their lives, blending scholarly insight with practical wisdom for the modern seeker.
Product Reviews
Tawbah : Turning to Allah in Repentance Disease & the Cure
Fabulous book, so why only 3 stars? The Arabic font is so small and in a pale colour, making it extremely difficult to read. And that for me, spoils the book, part of the pleasure is reading the Arabic. Other than that, extremely beneficial book.
Can not wait to read.
The book arrived in good time and condition. I haven't started reading it yet. I have been meaning to get this book. Darrusalaam hit me up with a special offer email I did not hesitate to purchase the book. Thank you.