Wisdom of the Wise
Wisdom of the Wise (Abdulaziz Ibn Nasir Al-Jalil; Baha Addin Ibn Fatah Aqeel) This is an excellent book that consists of quotations from the Salaf (as well as Ayaat and ahadeeth). It deals with their approach to many things in life and in the society. It is a summary of Imam Adh-Dhahabi's 'Siyar A'laam an-Nubalaa' and Ibn al-Jawzi's 'Sifat as-Safwah which is an abstract of Abu Na'im's 'Hilyat al Awliya, however the authors also quote from other Classical works such as [2] Al-Baghawi's 'Sharh as-Sunnah' Some of the many Topics discussed includes: The Salaf and their Fear of Allaah The Salaf and their Hatred of Fame The Salaf and Jihad in Allaah's Cause The Salaf and their Adherence to the Truth and so on and so forth This book gives you an insight into the piety and righteousness of these great people. It highlights the beautiful way they think, their noble character and it's amazing to read their words Jarir said 'Whenever the Prophet (S) sees me he smiles at me ' Bukhari & Muslim