The Messenger ( صلی الله علیه وآلیه وسلم ) said to Aa'isha (R.A): "I am to you as Aboo Zar'a was to Umm Zar'a (Bukhari)
This is an excellent translation of the Hadeeth of the eleven women who spoke regarding their husbands. It goes into the linguistic aspects of the text and in explaining the eloquent forms used by the women in describing their husbands in easy to understand English.
A Message Exclusively to the Husbands
The husband seeks from his wife that she should be an ideal wife: affectionate; kind; receptive; attractive; enticing; charming and other than that...
Winning The Heart Of Your Husband
SL: 16B
Describes various methods, from the Qur'an and Sunnah, of pleasing your husband, with highlights from the lives of the Pious Predecessors.
The Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم The Best of All Husbands
SL: 01DL2
In marriage, it often happens that we come across a situation in which things seem to be going haywire, and we...
Collection of Articles on Family
Allah has obligated certain exchangeable rights upon the husband and the wife. Everyone's rightis an obligation to the other. The Messenger of Allāh (gscLo)...