Eight different colour shades have been used in this Holy Book and each colour represents a Tajweed Rule.
The colour coding system has been introduced to highlight the Rules of Tajweed found in the Qur'anic text. Having a colour shade on a letter according to the Tajweed Rule allows the reciter to emphasize the accent, phonetics, rhythm and temper of the Qur'anic recitation.
It is imperative for the reciter to have a working knowledge o the Rules of Tajweed and their colour shades in order to knov how to pronounce the letters on which emphasis has to b laid
n this Holy Book, an index of Colour Coded Tajweed Rules has been provided in English & Urdu as FOOTNOTES. The detailed explanation of the rules has been given separately for a better understanding of the usage of colour codification.
We shall appreciate feedback, if any, on this colour coded concept for the benefit of the reciter.