Notes To The Three Tenets
SL: 03EL1
Islaam, the religion of truth and guidance, is built upon well-established and plain precepts. Accepted actions must rest upon a clear and sound belief and all the various matters and principles of belief trace back to three main tenets. These three tenets, which concern the Lord, the religion and the Prophet صلی الله علیه وآلهِ وسلم are also the subject of the question in the grave, thus it is extremely important for the Muslim to learn them correctly and apply their meanings throughout his or her life. “Notes to The Three Tenets”, by Shaikh Abdur-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Qaasim, is a straightforward and simple explanation and commentary to the famous synopsis of the Islamic doctrine known as al-Usool ath-Thalaathah (The Three Tenets), which was authored by Shaikh Muhammad ibn Sulaymaan at- Tameemee (D. 1206H / 1792). Dar al-Khair takes pleasure and seeks reward from ALLAH alone in publishing this work and hopes that it supplements and facilitates the Muslim’s quest for learning the basics of his or her religion, which is a matter deemed essential, of which none should neglect.