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Being Truthful With Allah
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00Verily, the subject matter of this treatise is extremely important and it is worthy of deep study and a good deal of time due to its magnitude, importance and urgent need. The happiness of the servant in his worldly life and Hereafter is dependent upon... -
Quran Research Topics
£10.00Research Quranie Topics is a twin book- based on my previous book: Family Members in Holy Quran Verses - which looks mainly at Close Family Members Quran Verses, while in this book, I am researching Quran Verses specific Important Topics while keeping... -
Islam & Science for Starters
Shariq Ali Khan£20.00Islam & Science for Starters Learn science with the Quran. Using the scientific signs of the Quran in the areas of astronomy, Geology, and Biology, this book will enhance faith and logic at the same time. Your children will be more confident in... -
New Muslim Guide :Handleiding voor Nieuwe Moslims (Middle Dutch)
Modern Guide£10.00New Muslim Guide :Handleiding voor Nieuwe Moslims (Middle Dutch) 00000 New Muslim Guide :Handleiding voor Nieuwe Moslims (Middle Dutch) Deze voortreffelijk geïllustreerde handleiding toont je de eerste stappen en het fundament van deze prachtige... -
New Muslim Guide :Guide du converti musulman (Français)
Modern Guide£10.00New Muslim Guide :Guide du converti musulman (Français) 00000 Ce guide présente les informations et concepts religieux que le musulman est tenu de ne pas ignorer en rapport avec divers domaines de la vie et insiste sur les questions qui revêtent un... -
New Muslim Guide: La Guida del nuovo Musulmano (Italian)
Modern Guide£10.00New Muslim Guide Vodič novom muslimanu (Bosnian) 00000 Questo testo, opera di Fahd Salem Bahammam, contiene tutte le informazioni dottrinali che il Musulmano è tenuto a conoscere; viene posto l’accento sulle questioni più urgenti per il nuovo... -
New Muslim Guide 새내기 무슬림을 위한 지침서 (Korean)
Modern Guide£10.00New Muslim Guide Vodič novom muslimanu (Bosnian) 00000 이 책은 독자분(새내기 무슬림)에게 이 위대한 종교, 인류에게 내려진 가장 커다란 축복인 이슬람이 무엇인지 알아가기 위한 기초를 제공하고자 합니다. 이 책은 살아가면서 타인과 어떻게 교류해야 하는지에 대해 알려드릴 것입니다. 예상 질문에 대한 답변을 통해 여러분이 주위에서 일어난 일에 어떻게 대처해야 하는지, 분명하고 쉽게 설명하고자 했습니다... -
New Muslim Guide Vodič novom muslimanu (Bosnian)
Modern Guide£10.00New Muslim Guide Vodič novom muslimanu (Bosnian) 00000 Ovaj ilustrirani vodič predstavlja Vama, novom sljedbeniku islama, prvi korak i temeljnu fazu u saznavanju i učenju islama veličanstvenoga – najveće Allahove blagodati čovjeku. U njemu ćete... -
The Choice : Islam & Christianity
Dakwah Corner Publisher£10.00This path-breaking research by an expert Muslim scholar (of Christian Bible) aims to help Muslims and Christians understand their faith by answering a lot of theological questions, bitter truths, untold and unrevealed, related to Christianity,... -
The Story of a Priest who Embraced Islam
Authentic Statements Publication£5.00The Story of a Priest who Embraced Islam “Imam Ibn Baz said: ‘If Islam and its beautiful characteristics were to be explained to the disbelievers they would enter into it in large crowds. One of the Indian callers mentioned to me that 1000... -
Muslim Scientists
Message Of Islam£3.50Muslim Scientists A forgotten historical past or shall we say a hidden past, a muslim today should be look at our ancesters for inspiration and not elsewhere -
The Scientific Encyclopedia For Students
Digital Future£40.00The Scientific Encyclopedia For Students • Raising the new generation’s level and enriching their culture in interesting ways. • Reading what is useful and interesting at students’ leisure. • Helping the students to complete their school projects... -
Scientific Interactive Encyclopedia
Digital Future£40.00Scientific Interactive Encyclopedia • Raising the new generation’s level and enriching their culture in interesting ways. • Discovering a lot of amazing facts in an interesting way. • Satisfying the students’ scientific curiosity through developed... -
What Did Jesus Really Say? Revised Edition
Dakwah Corner Publisher£15.00What Did Jesus Really Say? The book contains detailed information and descriptions that show how the Bible was changed and tampered with over the past two millennia. The account and the discussions presented are based on, and collected from, the... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£8.00Hastening Towards Good Deeds is a motivational and spiritually uplifting Islamic book that highlights the urgency and virtue of engaging in righteous actions without delay. It emphasises the transient nature of life and the importance of making... -
A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam ANG MAIKLING PAGLALARAWAN NG Gabay sa Pag-unawa sa Islam
Darussalam Publications£3.00A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam(ANG MAIKLING PAGLALARAWAN NG Gabay sa Pag-unawa sa Islam) Ang aklat na ito ay partikular na nakasulat para sa mga di-Muslim upang matulungan silang mas mahusay na maunawaan ang Islam. Ilan sa mga... -
A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam (Um Breve Guia Ilustrado Para Compreender o Islã)
Darussalam Publications£3.00A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam (Um Breve Guia Ilustrado Para Compreender o Islã) Este livro é escrito especificamente para os não-muçulmanos para ajudá-los a compreender melhor o Islã. Alguns dos temas deste livro são: - - Pilares... -
A Brief Illustrated Guide to understand Islam (浅谈图解指南了解伊斯兰教)
Darussalam Publications£3.00A Brief Illustrated Guide to understand Islam (浅谈图解指南了解伊斯兰教) 这本书是专门针对非穆斯林可帮助他们更好地了解伊斯兰教。一些在这本书的主题是: - - 信仰的支柱。 - 伊斯兰教的一些好处。 - 关于伊斯兰教的一般信息。 - 妇女在伊斯兰教的状态。 - 伊斯兰说恐怖主义是什么? - 证据,伊斯兰教是一个真正的宗教。 - 对伊斯兰教的误解的一些修正。 - 证明古兰经是上帝的字面字。 -... -
Islam - A Religon of Terror ?
Dar As Sunnah Publications£2.00Islam - A Religon of Terror ? It is well recognised that Islam played a pivotal role in kick-starting the Renaissance in Europe, signalling the end of the Dark Ages. In its rich 1400 year history, Islam has made huge spiritual, intellectual and cultural... -
The Sciences of the Quran for Children
Darussalam Publications£2.00The Sciences of the Quran for Children 19B Sciences of the Noble Quran for children is a wonderful compilation by the Darussalam Research Division. This book has been targeted towards the little angels who need to understand the true meaning of the... -
Ulum ul Quran: An Introduction to the Sciences of the Quran
Kube Publishing£7.95Ulum ul Quran: An Introduction to the Sciences of the Quran 13A The first survey of this important subject in a Western language. This exceptionally clear and helpful introduction to the study of the Qur’an is free of jargon and contains a large... -
From MTV to Mecca( How Islam Inspired My Life)
Miscellaneous Publishers£10.00From MTV to Mecca( How Islam Inspired My Life) 06B This book recalls the journey of a woman, Kristiane Backer, who encountered Islam when she was a presenter with MTV. Hers was a world that had no association with religion, was disconnected from... -
Prophet Muhammad The Last Messenger in The Bible
Miscellaneous Publishers£15.00Prophet Muhammad The Last Messenger in The Bible 00000 This book delves into the scriptures with precision and wisdom to bring forth lost pearls and prophecies that have been overlooked for centuries. There is no denying the truth once it is visible... -
The Concept of GOD (In Major Religion)
Darussalam Publications£4.00The Concept of GOD (In Major Religion) 33B There has always been a question in the minds of people about the existence of God. All major religions have believed in one god or another. Thus, believing in a supreme being that is omnipotent and... -
Beyond Mere Christianity
Darussalam Publications£5.00Beyond Mere Christianity 05DL3 The book is called Beyond Mere Christianity for two reasons. First, in response to C.S. Lewis' influential 1952 work, Mere Christianity, which stands as a masterpiece of Christian apologetics.The second reason, perhaps... -
Why Islam is our Only Choice
Darussalam Publications£8.95Why Islam is our Only Choice 23B Why Islam is Our only Choice is a compilation of the numerous narratives about the lives, experiences, and previous beliefs as well as Islamic impressions and reasons of different personalities belonging to all walks of... -
Descent Of Jesus Christ
Darussalam Publications£1.50Descent Of Jesus Christ 28A Descent of Jesus Christ By Dr. Muhammed Muhsin Khan This Book talks about the Descent Of Jesus Christ taken from the English translation of the meanings and commentary of the Noble Quran by Dr. Al-Hilali and Dr. Muhsin... -
Men and The Universe (Reflection of Ibn Al Qayyem)
Darussalam Publications£15.00Men and The Universe (Reflection of Ibn Al Qayyem) 24A This book was originally a section of ibn Al-Qayyem's book Miftaahas Daar is-Sa'aadah (Key to the Abode of Happiness).This section was extracted from it due to its discussion of some of the Signs... -
Islam and Other Faiths
The Islamic Institution£13.95Islam and Other Faiths SL: 02CL2 Collected in this volume are the late Ismail al-Faruqi’s articles written over a span of two decades which deal with Islam and other faiths, Christianity and Judaism in particular. The book provides a good... -
Before Nicea The Early Followers of Prophet Jesus
Jamiah Media£3.00Before Nicea The Early Followers of Prophet Jesus SL: 15B Around 90 CE, the Shepard of Hermas was considered to be a book of revelation by the church, according to EJ Goodspeed and is one of two books found in the Codex Sinaiticus, which have not... -
Most Common Questions Asked by Non-Muslims
Dakwah Corner Publisher£3.00Most Common Questions Asked by Non-Muslims SL: 000000 In this book, the author presents 20 most common questions asked by non-muslims, Dr Zakir Naik answers the questions in the most logical and acceptable manner clearing most misconceptions the... -
Moderation In Religion
Makkah Al Mukarramah Publishing£3.70Moderation In Religion 11B The definition of moderation: Linguistically derived from at-tawasut (to stand in the middle/take a middle course) with the vowel movement is that which is between the two ends of something, like the centre of a circle; with... -
Choosing Faith
IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House)£4.95Goodnight Stories Gift Box 04A Choosing Faith In a world of spiritual options, people constantly tells us what to believe. Yet, while we hear these pleas, we're already functioning with existing beliefs--even if they are beliefs by default. So how... -
The True Message Of Jesus Christ
IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House)£3.00Goodnight Stories Gift Box 04B Dr. Bilal Philips brings together the writings of eminent scholars from both the Christian and Islamic traditions on the topic of the man and the message of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him). Dr. Philips writes: Jesus... -
Why Islam?
IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House)£3.95Why Islam? &03A; Often, the first thing someone is asked when they discover the truth and embrace Islam is the question: Why Islam? Here, an American revert-to-Islam answers that question. The author, K. Sherman, writes: The beauty of Islam is... -
Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم
Ta Ha Publishers£4.00Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم SL:20B This book explores the nature of a miracle, the reasons why miracles are granted to prophets and takes a detailed look at the miracles granted to the Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآله... -
Race, Religion & Muslim Identity in Britain
Renaissance Press£5.95Race, Religion & Muslim Identity in Britain 06B This book offers incisive and comprehensive analysis of faith as a cornerstone of identity and possible solutions. A timely book after the recent tragedies in London which took place during July 2005... -
The Status of Jesus in Islam By Dr. Rabee' Ibn Haadee Al-Madkhalee
Al Ibaanah Publications£4.95The Status of Jesus in Islam By Dr. Rabee' Ibn Haadee Al-Madkhalee SL: 00000 The Status of Jesus in Islam By Dr. Rabee' Ibn Haadee Al-Madkhalee About the Book: In this brief treatise, the author sets out to clarify Islam's true position towards... -
Creation of the Universe : True Description from Islam
Tawakkul Publications£5.95Creation of the Universe : True Description from Islam SL: 03AL2 We will show them our signs in the universe and in themselves Until it is made clear to them that this is truth” (Quran 41:53) -
Science and Technology in Islamic History
Darussalam Publications£5.50Development of Science & Technology is Islamic History 33B The objectives of this book are: 1- To examine the argument that there is a contradiction between science and Islam. 2- To highlight some of the great contributions made by Muslims to...