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Al-Fiqh Al-Muyassar in light of the Quran & Sunnah (3 volume set)
Maktabatul-Irshad£25.00 - £75.00Al-Fiqh Al-Muyassar in light of the Quran & Sunnah (3 volume set) King Fahd Complex does not only give undivided attention to publication of the Qurʾān, explanation of its meanings, and... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£6.00Seven Whom Allah Will Shade Seven Whom Allah Will Shade is a captivating exploration of the profound Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) about seven categories of people who will... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£6.99Fundamentals of Eeman Fundamentals of Eeman by Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz is a profound guide to understanding the core principles of Islamic faith (Eeman). This book delves into the... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£5.00Supportive Pillars in Cultivating Children Raising children is one of the most rewarding yet challenging responsibilities for parents and caregivers. Supportive Pillars in Cultivating Children... -
Explanation of The Book of Divorce (3 Volume Set)
Maktabatul-Irshad£20.00 - £55.00Explanation of The Book of Divorce (3 Volume Set) This three-volume set by Shaykh Muhammad bin Sālih al-‘Uthaymīn offers a comprehensive explanation of the Islamic rulings on divorce. Each... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£6.00"The Four Principles of Shirk" is a concise and foundational Islamic text authored by Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab. The book serves as a guide for Muslims to understand the concept of Shirk... -
Taqwa is The Cause For Every Good
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00The Importance and Significance of Taqwaa In the pursuit of a righteous life, the concept of taqwaa holds paramount importance for every Muslim. It is through taqwaa that we find the key to all... -
Ways Of Staying Firm Upon The Religion
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00Noble gathering, it is indeed a profound topic we discuss today: "Ways and reasons to stay firm upon the religion." The importance of this subject cannot be overstated, as every Muslim must regularly... -
Crossing The Bridge Over The Fire
Maktabatul-Irshad£6.99The Lord of all that exists will be in front of them, thus they will pass over the fire and the bridge will be slippery and sharper than a sword. They will pass over the bridge according to their... -
Explanation of Riyadus-Saliheen The chapter on truthfulness
Maktabatul-Irshad£8.00Truthfulness means: conformity of reports to reality. If you were to report something and it is consistent with reality, then it's classified as: true report (eg. today is Sunday and it is Sunday)... -
Explanation of Riyadus-Saliheen chapter on humility and lowering one's wings to the believer
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00An-Nawawi (May Allah have mercy upon him) said in his book Riyadh As-Saliheen, in the chapter "Humility and Lowering One's Wing to the Believers": "Humility is the opposite of... -
Being Truthful With Allah
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00Verily, the subject matter of this treatise is extremely important and it is worthy of deep study and a good deal of time due to its magnitude, importance and urgent need. The happiness of the... -
Impact of the Quran In Mending Hearts
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00Allah has created man to place him on earth, generations after generations, and to cultivate this earth with the Tawhid of Allah سبحانه وتعالى Allah created in the man a piece of flesh, if it is... -
Rememberance of Allah
Maktabatul-Irshad£6.99Verily in the Remembrance of Allah Do the Hearts Find Rest We will talk today about the remembrance of Allah and what Allah says, "Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find... -
Explanation of The Hadith
Maktabatul-Irshad£8.99Şahih al-Bukhari and Muslim authentically report the Hadith of Mu'awiyah () in which the Prophet (صل الله عليمي)said "When Allah wants good for a person He bestows on him Figh of the... -
Directives & Rullings on Finishing the Month of Ramadhan
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00We are now living the last moments of this great season and the Blessed Month of Ramadhan, and the days of this blessed month have passed that were occupied with fasting and prayer and the... -
How Can You Become A Key Towards Good
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00Certainly, every Muslim who is eager and concerned about the happiness and prosperity of his soul in this life and the next, when he hears this narration of Anas ibn Mälik, may Allah be pleased... -
Explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles
Maktabatul-Irshad£18.00These matters require from the believing man and woman, young and old to learn. The author() said "The first is: knowledge" one is obliged to learn and gain insight so that he will... -
Raising Children in Islam
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00O brothers in Islam, indeed, the topic of this short reminder is a really important one that every Muslim should give serious care and importance to. It is a tremendous yet dangerous topic that every... -
Ayatul Kursi and Confirming Proofs of at Tawheed
Maktabatul-Irshad£11.99Imam Muslim collected a hadith in his Saheeh on the authority of Ubay bin Ka'b (radhiallahu 'anhu) that he said, "Allah's Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, 'O Abul-Mundhir! Do... -
The Book Of Marriage ( Part-3 )
Maktabatul-Irshad£25.00THE BOOK OF MARRIAGE FROM THE EXPLANATION OF BULŪGH AL-MARĀM PART 3 From the book:ʿAli Ibn Abū Ṭālib is the cousin of the Messenger (May Allāh exalt his station and grant him peace)... -
Reverence For The Salah
Maktabatul-Irshad£18.00"Undoubtedly, the Şaläh inherits joy in the eyes of the lovers of Allah and enjoyment for the monotheists. It is the garden of the worshipers, the pleasure of the sincere, and the criterion of... -
The Life Of The Best Of Mankind
Maktabatul-Irshad£20.00Explanation of the 100 Verse Poem On the life of the best of mankind From the book: It is well-known to every Muslim what lies in studying the Sirah of the Prophet of great benefits, blessed... -
Umdatul Ahkam
Maktabatul-Irshad£25.00An-Najashi, the king of Al-Habasha during the time of the Prophet (H), had a large part and an appreciated effort in granting refuge to the Sahaabah that emigrated to him... -
Fiqh of Polygyny
Maktabatul-Irshad£30.00COLLECTION OF TREATISES & FATAWĀ ON FIQH OF POLYGYNY, MARITAL CONDUCT, & FAIR TREATMENT IN POLYGYNY In his Tafsīr, al- Qurṭubī concluded his refutation of similar arguments by... -
Tawhid Minor Shirk & Major Shirk
Maktabatul-Irshad£10.00It’s incumbent for the Muslim to be concerned with renewing his ʾĪmān (i.e., correct Islāmic faith) in the evening and the morning by pondering on the meaning of the statement of Tawḥīd lā... -
The Salaf's approach to Worship
Maktabatul-Irshad£9.00I greet the brothers who established these Dʿawah-related activities as well as those who endure efforts in assembling these lectures and embarking upon them with the scholars via phone. I... -
Wali Of Mine
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00A COMMENTARY ON THE ḤADĪTH: WHOSOEVER SHOWS ENMITY TO A WALĪ OF MINE, I WILL ANNOUNCE WAR This tremendous Ḥadīth is known as the Ḥadīth of ʾAwliyāʾ (of Allāh). Abū al-ʿAbbās, Imām Shaykh... -
Manhaj Al-Haqq
Maktabatul-Irshad£20.00EXPLANATION OF THE POEM: MANHAJ AL-HAQQ CONCERNING ʿAQĪDAH AND ISLĀMIC MORAL CONDUCT He established tremendous meanings, lofty facts, and beneficial details that every Muslim cannot do... -
Basic Tenets Of The Muslim
Maktabatul-Irshad£8.00Just how much more beautiful would it be that the believing servant is consistently conscious of this blessed meaning, which this Hadith illustrates, “who has been kept away from Fitan,”... -
Blissful Person
Maktabatul-Irshad£8.00EXPLANATION OF THE HADĪTH: INDEED THE BLISSFUL PERSON IS HE WHO HAS BEEN KEPT AWAY FROM FITAN Just how much more beautiful would it be that the believing servant is consistently conscious of... -
Contemporary Sciences & Achievements
Maktabatul-Irshad£8.00Contemporary Sciences & Achievements Are Accommodated In The Islāmic Religion Evidence From The Qurʾān This Book features conclusive proofs that the religion of Islām, its sciences,... -
Debunking the Canons of Atheism With Decisive Proofs
Maktabatul-Irshad£18.00From the book:This is a very valuable book; matchless in its genre, elegance, clarity, and perfectly timed with the current time. There is a dire need for this topic because the wave of atheism and... -
Becoming acquainted with the means for achieving prosperity & happiness
Maktabatul-Irshad£9.00From the book:Within this Magnificant Qurʾān, which Allāh spoke, He illustrated the means for achieving prosperity, salvation, and happiness. Allah who is most truthful, swore that salvation,... -
The Excellence of Fasting & the Fasting Person's Conduct
Maktabatul-Irshad£9.00Each act of worship one devotes to Allāh Almighty is tied with several virtues. Whether it is prayer, Zakat, Hajj, or Fasting, all of them are laden with numerous virtues. Plainly clear verses are... -
A Concise Presentation on The Rulings Of Fasting
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00This is a concise presentation on the rulings of fasting taken from the treatise “al-Ilmām bi shayin min ʾAḥkām al-Ṣiyām.” I saw the need which called for it. This concise treatise... -
A commentary on a Ḥadīth covering broad topics on the Islāmic Creed
Maktabatul-Irshad£9.00Also, it is reported in al-Musnad and others from the Ḥadīth of Abū Hurayrah (May Allāh be pleased with him) that he said:“Renew your ʾĪmān. Someone said, ‘O Messenger of Allāh,... -
Welcoming The Month Of Ramadan
Maktabatul-Irshad£12.00The Prophet ( ﷺ ) said, مَنْ صَامَ رَمَضَانَ إِيمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ ، وَمَنْ قَامَ لَيْلَةَ الْقَدْرِ إِيمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ... -
Ayatul-Kursi and Confirming Proofs of at Tawheed
Maktabatul-Irshad£12.00Imam Muslim collected a hadith in his Saheeh on the authority of Ubay bin Kab (radhiallahu 'anhu) that he said, "Allah's Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, 'O Abul-Mundhir! Do you know... -
Stages & Means Of Seeking Knowledge
Maktabatul-Irshad£12.00The most truthful speech is the book of Allah (the Qur'an) and the best of guidance is that of Muhammad (S), the worst of evils are the newly invented matters (in religion), and every innovated... -
AL-Qasidah AL-Haiyah
Maktabatul-Irshad£10.00From his pieces of poetry is this poem entitled ‘Al-Hāʾīyah.’ It concerns a lofty aspect and an essential matter of knowledge. It is concerning having Zuhd (abstinence) in this worldly... -
So Follow IT
Maktabatul-Irshad£12.00Verily, I was requested to give a statement about the 'Aqidah of the Victorious Group whom the Prophet a spoke about: لا تزال طائفة من أنني قائمة بأمر الله : لا يطرحم من خذلهم ، أو خالقهم حتى يأتي... -
How to Educate our Youth
Maktabatul-Irshad£10.00HOW TO EDUCATE OUR YOUTH to Call to Allah in the Optimal Way From the book: Indeed, calling people to Allah is the mission of Messengers, from whom the scholars inherited. Nowadays, it is the duty... -
A Series of Guidelines Taken From Surah Al-Fatihah
Maktabatul-Irshad£17.99A series of Guidelines taken from Sūrah Al-Fatihah Allah )سوال( revealed the Qur'an so that its verses could be pondered over and acted upon: كتب الله إليه مرة لي اتروا الميته واستذكر أولوا الألب... -
The Book Of Marriage ( Part - 1,2,3 )
Maktabatul-Irshad£72.99Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه) reported, the Prophet(ﷺ)said "A woman is married for four reasons: for her wealth, for her class, for her beauty or for her piety. Select the pious, may your hand be... -
The Book Of Marriage ( Part-2 )
Maktabatul-Irshad£24.99Compatibility in marriage involves three aspects: Compatibility in terms of religion, which is divided into two: difference in terms of religion (i.e., belief and disbelief), and difference in... -
The Book Of Marriage Part-1
Maktabatul-Irshad£24.99Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه) reported, the Prophet(ﷺ)said "A woman is married for four reasons: for her wealth, for her class, for her beauty or for her piety. Select the pious, may your hand be... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£6.00Repelling Grief and Anxiety is a powerful and insightful Islamic book that delves into the emotional challenges faced by individuals and offers practical, faith-based solutions... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£8.00Our Obligation Concerning the Companions is an insightful Islamic book that highlights the importance of respecting, understanding, and adhering to the guidance provided by the Companions of... -
Condition of the Salaf in Worship
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.99Condition of the Salaf in Worship (25076) The speech regarding the condition of the salf in worship is long and arduous. However, the best predecessor for us whom we take as an example and follow is... -
Benefits and Fruits of Dhikr
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00Benefits and Fruits of Dhikr (25075) From the book: The Dhikr of Allah is the soul and the life of the hearts and the cause of its development and strength; and abundant rewards and immense good in... -
Knowledge and its Effects on Purifying Souls
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.99Knowledge and its Effects on Purifying Souls (25074) From the book: Purifying the souls is important in this time of temptations. Which may turn one away from good deeds and make... -
A Radiant Masterpiece In Explanation of the Poem of Ibn Abee Daawud: Al-Haa'iyah
Maktabatul-Irshad£20.00A Radiant Masterpiece In Explanation of the Poem of Ibn Abee Daawud: Al-Haa'iyah (24916) Al-Hudaa refers to directing and guiding. Al-Hady is the path and his path (Sallallahu ' Alayhi Wa Sallam) is... -
Collection of Articles on Family
Maktabatul-Irshad£8.00Collection of Articles on Family Allah has obligated certain exchangeable rights upon the husband and the wife. Everyone's rightis an obligation to the other. The Messenger of Allāh (gscLo)... -
Etiquettes of the House of Allah
Maktabatul-Irshad£6.00The Masjid is distinctly celebrated for the observance of many of thegreat and beloved acts of good deeds, such as the plentifulRemembrances of Allāh, establishment of prayer, recitation of... -
The Danger of Making Fun of the Religion
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00Sticking to the Prophetic Sunnah & Its Effects is an enlightening Islamic book that emphasizes the importance of adhering to the Sunnah (the way and teachings of the Prophet... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£21.00Abu Hurairah (May Allāh be pleased with him) reported, the Prophet (May Allāh elevate his rank & grant him peace) said, “A woman is married for four reasons: for her wealth, for her class,... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£4.99THE VALUE OF TIMEIN THE MUSLIMS LIFE The Value of Time in the Muslim’s Life is a deeply inspiring Islamic book that emphasises the critical importance of time as a divine blessing and resource... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00ENDURING POEPLE'S HARM is a thought-provoking and spiritually enriching book that explores the Islamic perspective on dealing with the challenges of interpersonal relationships, particularly when... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00LOYALTY & DISAVOWEL Loyalty & Disavowal is a profound Islamic book that explores the critical concept of Al-Wala' wa'l-Bara'—the principles of loyalty and disavowal in Islam. These... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00SINNERS CONDITION ON THE STAGEOF RECKONING Sinners’ Condition on the Stage of Reckoning is a powerful Islamic book that delves into the events of the Day of Judgement, focusing on the... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£4.99The book "Khushu in the Prayer" is a profound exploration of achieving tranquility, peace, and humility in Salah (prayer). Rooted in Islamic teachings, the book begins with the... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£6.00The Knowledge Seekers GuideEmbark on a transformative journey with The Knowledge Seekers Guide, your ultimate companion in the pursuit of Islamic knowledge. This comprehensive guide is crafted to... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£8.00Hastening Towards Good Deeds is a motivational and spiritually uplifting Islamic book that highlights the urgency and virtue of engaging in righteous actions without delay. It emphasises the... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00The Statement of At-Tawhid: La Ilaha Illa-Allah is a deeply insightful Islamic book that delves into the profound meaning, significance, and implications of the foundational statement of... -
Advices of Abu Ad Darda
Maktabatul-Irshad£6.00Advices of Abu Ad Darda The name of Abu Ad-Dardaa Al-Ansaaree Al-Khazrajee was ’Uwaymir ibn Zayd ibn Qays, and it was also said that his name was ’Uwaymir bin ‘Aamir. He accepted Islam on the... -
Ten Preventive Measures Against Magic and Envy
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00Ten Preventive Measures Against Magic and Envy A profound lecture given by Shaykh ‘Abdur Razzaaq bin ‘Abdul Muhsin al-Badr, may Allah preserve him, on preventive measures against magic... -
The Weak Believer by Maktaba tul-Irshad
Maktabatul-Irshad£20.00The Weak Believer Within this book, Shaykh Muhammad Bin 'Abdullaah Al-Imaam, compiles a series of various weaknesses of the believer with commentary from scholars of Ahul-Sunnah. A very beneficial... -
Islam Honors The Woman
Maktabatul-Irshad£10.00Islam Honors The Woman 11B The world al-mra’tu(i.e.woman)in Arabic refers to the female version of the male; Its pronounciation is :imra’tu or marah that does not have plural word for... -
Ayatul-Kursi and Confirming Proofs of at-Tawheed
Maktabatul-Irshad£8.50Ayatul-Kursi and Confirming Proofs of at-Tawheed SL: 000000 Imam Muslim collected a hadith in his Saheeh on the the authority ob Ubay bin Ka’b (radhiallahu ‘anhu) that he said “Allah’s Messenger... -
The Rights of Elders in Islam
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.00The Rights of Elders in Islam 11A Therefore, one who does not know the rights of Allah, the Messenger (sallallahu alehi wassallam), the parents, the neighbors, the elderly in Islam and so forth,... -
Declaring A Muslim To Be An Apostate & Its Guidelines
Maktabatul-Irshad£4.95Declaring A Muslim To Be An Apostate & Its Guidelines 11B It is obligatory upon the Muslim to learn before he speaks; that he does not speak unless it is upon religious knowledge. Otherwise, he... -
Maktabatul-Irshad£4.95TEN PRINCIPLES ON AL-ISTIQAAMAH 10B "Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is Allah (Alone)," and then they Istaqamu , on them the angels will descend (at the time of their death) (saying): "Fear not,... -
The Obligation Of Repenting To Allah
Maktabatul-Irshad£2.95The Obligation Of Repenting To Allah Verily, Allah by His extensive wisdom, irrefutable record (account), and His all-encompassing knowledge of everything He puts His slaves through tests in... -
A Statement Regarding Fiqh of Duaa
Maktabatul-Irshad£6.50A Statement Regarding Fiqh of Duaa SL: 00000 Shaykh Abdur-Razzaaq bin Abdul-Muhsin Al-Badr, may Allaah perserve him and his father, explains matters of Du'aa, its importance and benefits derived... -
Effect of the Legislated Statements
Maktabatul-Irshad£4.95The Effect of the Legislated Statements of Remembrance in Repelling Grief and Anxiety From that which is known is that between this life and the Hereafter the individual may experience some... -
Tafseer Surah Fatihah and Clarifying the Categories of Tawheed in it
Maktabatul-Irshad£7.50Tafseer Surah Fatihah and Clarifying the Categories of Tawheed in it The meaning of Tawheed Uloohiyyah: is Unity of Allaah in His worship in all of its aspects whereas none of it is disposed for... -
The Effects of Fitan
Maktabatul-Irshad£5.95The Effects of Fitan 11B “How can one be on guard from what he does not know to be on guard from?” He who does not know Fitan; and does not know its effects, outcomes, and customs perhaps he... -
The Book Of Janaaiz ((Arousing the Intellects With an Explanation of Umdatul-Ahkaam )
Maktabatul-Irshad£5.95The book of Janaa’iz by Salih al-Uthaymeen Al-Janaa’iz is the plural of the janazah which is the deceased. It is said that janazah is the deceased and janazah is the stretcher. He is carried on,... -
The Book of Zakah and Fasting
Maktabatul-Irshad£14.95The Book of Zakah and Fasting SL: 00000 Arousing the Intellects With an Explanation of Umdatul-Ahkaam (The Book Zakah and Fasting) Az-Zakah in the Shariah: An Obligatory portion of a... -
Tafsir Suratul Hadeed
Maktabatul-Irshad£5.50Tafsir Suratul Hadeed SL:00000 Imam As-Sa'dee (Rahimahullah) said: "The Most-High has informed (us) about His Majesty, His Sublimity, and the vastness of His rule, Which all of what is in the... -